Cypress Essential Oil 10ml | 100% Pure
Cypress Essential Oil 10ml | 100% Pure
Cypress Essential Oil 10ml | 100% Pure

Cypress Essential Oil 10ml | 100% Pure

Oil of Cypress Cupressus sempervirens Southern Europe Wildcrafted Cypress Oil is extracted using the steam distillation method from the leafy branches. The aroma is similar to that of pine, smokey, and woody. Cosmetically it works great on the skin reducing oily hair and skin. Also a great way to reduce rerspiration. Cypress oil is an anti-depressant uplifting the mood, stress reliever, relaxes nervous tension, anxiety, and irritability. Helping mental attentiveness, alertness, and reduces fatigue. Known for its aid for those suffering form respiratory conditions such as laryngitis, coughing, spasmodic coughing, sinus problems, it is an antiseptic and astringent.
Regular price $11.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $11.50 USD
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