Welcome to the Boho Blog! We'll cover everything wonderfully weird and wild from Boho fashion trends, Zodiac, home decor trends, self-care, holidays and more! We hope you find something that will help you on your journey to self-expression and embracing your inner wild!

The Boho CEO Blog

5 Crystals to Help You Survive the Total Solar Eclipse

5 Crystals to Help You Survive the Total Solar Eclipse

Here are the five crystals (it doesn’t have to be all 5 - even one will work) that I highly recommend working with during times of emotional turmoil and negative energy shifts like this one. 

Top 10 Healing Crystals to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

Top 10 Healing Crystals to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

In the realm of holistic wellness, the use of healing crystals has surged in popularity, offering a natural means to alleviate stress and anxiety. This article delves into the top 10 crystals renowned for their calming properties, each with its unique characteristics and benefits. Embrace a journey towards tranquility and balance as we explore these natural wonders.

Harmonizing Your Energy: Mastering Chakra Balance Using

Harmonizing Your Energy: Mastering Chakra Balance Using Crystals

Harmonizing Your Energy: Mastering Chakra Balance Using Crystals Chakras are the energy centers within our body, integral to our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Each of the seven chakras has...

The History of Healing Crystals: How Ancient Cultures Used Them for Healing

The History of Healing Crystals: How Ancient Cultures Used Them for Healing

Healing crystals have a long and fascinating history, with their use dating back to ancient civilizations. These crystals, also known as gemstones, precious stones, or simply crystals, have been utilized by various cultures for their purported healing properties.

Channeling the Energy of Halloween - How to Connect with the Spirit World the Bohemian Way

Channeling the Energy of Halloween - How to Connect with the Spirit World the Bohemian Way

Channeling the Energy of Halloween - How to Connect with the Spirit World the Bohemian Way Welcome to the enchanting world of Halloween, where the veil between the physical and...

The Origins and History of Friday the Thirteenth

The Origins and History of Friday the Thirteenth

Friday the 13th is a day that has been associated with bad luck and superstitions for centuries. The origins of this belief can be traced back to various cultural and historical sources.

Healing Crystals: Your Complete Guide to Choose the Right Healing Crystal

Healing Crystals: Your Complete Guide to Choose the Right Healing Crystal

Crystals have been used for centuries as tools for healing and self-discovery, so embrace their healing powers and allow them to support you on your journey.

Embracing Balance and Relationships: Exploring the Energies of Libra

Embracing Balance and Relationships: Exploring the Energies of Libra

As Libra season Libra seasonapproaches, it is important to find balance in our own lives. During this season, allow yourself to socialize, connect with others, and foster meaningful relationships. Take time to appreciate beauty in all its forms and find joy in the little pleasures of life.